Full-Stack Developer

"As long as you're learning, you're not failing"


I'm Mariana, a passionate and versatile Full Stack Developer based in São Paulo, Brazil. With a background in business administration and an insatiable curiosity for technology, I've found my calling in crafting digital experiences that blend form and function seamlessly.

As a developer, I thrive on bringing ideas to life through clean and efficient code. My journey began with a love for design, where I honed my eye for aesthetics and user-centric design. However, my fascination with the world of coding led me to explore the realms of front-end and back-end development, ultimately becoming a well-rounded Full Stack Developer.

I'm well-versed in a diverse range of technologies, including but not limited to ReactJS, TypeScript, Tailwind, GraphQL and Ruby on Rails. And I'm always on the lookout for the latest advancements in the tech world, as I believe that staying up-to-date is crucial in delivering top-notch solutions.

Beyond coding, I also enjoy design, travelling, dogs and a good cup of tea.

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Property reviews app where you can search for an address and review the property you've lived in or read previous reviews to decide wherther a place you're considering is good to move in or not.
Stack: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML5, SCSS


Marketplace for buying and selling fictional video game items. You'll need to log in to sell an item but feel free to browse for the existing items!
Stack: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML5, SCSS


Single page app that consumes an API do set a plateau on Mars and deploys rovers to explore it according to your commands.
Stack: React, Redux, Axios, HTML5, SCSS


A ReactJS app developed for a software company in Brazil where managing directors could list the roles they were hiring for and priorize them across all departments. This is just the front-end bit for demonstration, as the final app was linked to their Firebase DB.
Stack: React, Redux, HTML5, SCSS, Firebase


Web app that simulates Slack channels and conversations. It posts your messages to an API and fetches new messages everytime someone sends a new message to that channel.
Stack: React, Redux, HTML5, SCSS


My first Reails projects. It's a web application where you can create cocktail recipes, list ingredients, upload their photos and review them.
Stack: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML5, SCSS


If you want to talk about a freelance project or just grab some coffee and talk about life, I'm in!

[email protected]